Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology

Information and Communications Technology Use of Hungarian English Majors: A Large-Scale Questionnaire Study


Imre Fekete

The purpose of this study is to discover the dimensions of ICT device use of Hungarian English majors by identifying constructs and establishing links between the constructs to provide deeper understanding of what factors ensure skilful ICT device use for recreational and learning purposes. The data collection method was a piloted and validated questionnaire of 15 constructs involving 268 Hungarian university students from 6 institutions. The study confirmed that Hungarian English majors are acceptive of ICT use and devices are easily accessible for them. Statistically significant correlations were found between each scale informants rated from two perspectives: free time and educational use of devices, but it was found that the needs for developing in ICT skills are rather triggered by recreational than educational purposes. Correlations between digital competence scales and all other scales of the questionnaire suggest that digital competences are linked with all aspects of device use. The novelty of this study is that it establishes and links elements of ICT use such as acceptance, availability, reasons and willingness of using ICT devices with digital competences to confirm that the dimensions of meaningful ICT use cannot directly be predicted from ownership.<


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