Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology


Katalin Piniel, Reyhan Yildiz

Over the past decades,the intriguing concept of willingness to communicate (WTC)has attracted the second/foreign language (L2) researchers’ attention. In line with this tendency, the purpose of the present study was to reportthefindings of an investigationinto Turkish students’ WTC in L2 in a third language environment. A qualitative researchdesignusing semi-structured interviewswas conducted with four Turkish students, whose language of education was English at variousHungarian universities. The findings revealed seven overlappingcomponents, which wereinterlocutor, topic, learning strategy, interlocutor’s attitude, number of people, participant’s personality, and perceived proficiency in English.Moreover, two particular determinantsthatwere using ELF(English as a lingua franca)in WTCand anxietyin unwillingness to communicate (UWTC)were found.These determinants seem to influence Turkish university students’ WTC and UWTC in Englishina third language environment.The findings of this study will be beneficial for Turkish foreign language curriculum developers to gainan insight about the effecting components of Turkish learners’ readiness to communicate and for English teachers to unfold the determinants affecting theirstudents’ WTC and UWTCinEFL context.<




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